PCSing To Your New Duty Station

When you are PCSing to Hampton Roads, its important to know how much you will be getting paid before you move. This will help you figure out your housing budget before you start PCSing to Hampton Roads. Some people like to keep their mortgage below their bah rate.

BAH Rates

When PCSing, there are a few factors that go into how much you will get paid at your new duty station. Paygrade, number of years served, whether you have dependents or not, and location, all have a factor when determining your pay at your new duty station. In the BAH calculator below, you can see your full monthly pay before taxes, in the areas we cover.

  How Much Will I Make?

2023 Military Pay Calculator

By using your rank, years of service, number of dependents, and location, this calculator expresses your Basic Pay, Basic Housing Allowance (BAH), and your Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS).

Paygrade Years Dependents
{{ payRankResults() | currency:"$" }}
{{ dependentsAllowance() | currency:"$" }}
{{ basicAllowance() | currency:"$" }}
{{ finalPayResults() | currency:"$" }}

The information provided by these calculators is intended for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to purport actual user-defined parameters. The default figures shown are hypothetical and may not be applicable to your individual situation. Be sure to consult a financial professional prior to relying on the results.

More BAH Rates

If we don’t cover your next duty station, you can see your new BAH RateĀ here. As Agents of the Armed Forces grows, we will be adding more duty stations, so you can get all the help you deserve when PCSing.

Cameron Hodge, Ed Wheeler, AAF, Agents of the Armed Forces


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